๐Ÿ›Ÿ Preparing for the exam

๐Ÿ›Ÿ Preparing for the exam#

โฑ | words

Final exam

  • Friday May 31, 2pm

  • Manning Clark Hall, room 1.04, Cultural Centre Kambri

  • 3 hours exam + 15 minutes reading time

  • closed book, no materials allowed


  • Do not be late โฐ

  • Start with easier questions (for you)

  • Manage time while writing the exam โฑ

Learning materials#

  • These lecture notes contain the facts and examples you have to know

  • See the front page

When you find it hard:

  1. Find the relevant material in the text book [Sydsรฆter, Hammond, Strรธm, and Carvajal, 2016]

  2. Go through examples and make sure you understand every step

  3. Go through tutorial problems

  4. Practice using the problems listed below

Practice problems#

Please, use the following materials to practice for the exam:

  1. All tutorial problems and solutions published on this website.

  2. Exercises with partial solutions from the relevant chapters in the textbook referenced in each lecture topic.

  3. ๐Ÿ“– โ€œSolved Problems of Mathematics with Applications to Economics and Financeโ€ by Josรฉ A. Rodrigues-Neto, downloadable form the Wattle course website link


I am purposefully not giving exact reference to the practice problems, as going through the table of contents and finding the relevant problems for each topic is part of the exercise.

Practice exam#

Please, see the downloadable pdf

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