
Main book#

[SydsÌter, Hammond, Strøm, and Carvajal, 2016]:



As mentioned in the Class summary, for all books, the edition you consult does not matter much. The only operational differences will possibly be the organisation of material within the book, and differences in the relevant chapter titles or chapter numbers, or both.

The references in the class summary and within each lecture will be to the relevant chapters for the edition of each book cited in this bibliography. The images below, where possible, are for the same editions, but referring to later editions is perfectly fine.

Additional books#

[Asano, 2013]

Asano, A (2013), An introduction to mathematics for economics

[Bradley, 2013]

Bradley, T (2013), Essential mathematics for economics and business (fourth edition)

[Chiang and Wainwright, 2005]

Chiang, AC, and K Wainwright (2005), Fundamental methods of mathematical economics (fourth edition)

[Haeussler Jr and Paul, 1987]

Haeussler, EF Jr, and RS Paul (1987), Introductory mathematical analysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences (fifth edition)

[Shannon, 1995]

Shannon, J (1995), Mathematics for business, economics and finance

[Simon and Blume, 1994]

Simon, CP, and L Blume (1994), Mathematics for economists

[Sundaram, 1996]

RK Sundaram (1996), A first course in optimization theory

[SydsÌter, Hammond, Seierstad, and Strøm, 2005]

SydsÌter, K, P Hammond, A Seierstad, and A Strøm (2005), Further mathematics for economic analysis

Full reference list#


RA Adams and C Essex. Calculus: A complete course (ninth edition). Pearson, 2018.


AA Alchian and WR Allen. University economics: Elements of inquiry. Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1972.


AA Alchian and WR Allen. Exchange and production: Competition, coordination and control (third edition). Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1983.


H Anton. Elementary linear algebra (fifth edition). John Wiley and Sons, 1987.


A Asano. Mathematics for economics. Cambridge University Press, 2013.


LM Ausubel and RJ Deneckere. A generalized theorem of the maximum. Economic Theory, 3(1):99–107, 1993.


F Ayres Jr and E Mendelson. Calculus (sixth edition). McGraw-Hill, 2013.


J Banks, G Elton, and J Strantzen. Topology and analysis: Unit text for MAT3TA (2009 and 2010 edition). Department of Mathematics and Statistics, La Trobe University, 2009.


A Basilevsky. Applied matrix algebra in the statistical sciences. Dover Publications, 1983. The 2005 Dover Unabridged Republication of the Original 1983 North-Holland Edition.


S Basov. Introduction to quantitative analysis. La Trobe University, 2011. Unpublished manuscript.


T Bradley. Essential mathematics for economics and business (third edition). John Wiley and Sons, 2008.


T Bradley. Essential mathematics for economics and business (fourth edition). John Wiley and Sons, 2013.


KE Case and RC Fair. Principles of Economics. Prentice-Hall, 1989.


KE Case, RC Fair, and SM Oster. Principles of Economics (Twelfth Edition) (Global Edition). Pearson Education, 2017.


AC Chiang. Fundamental methods of mathematical economics (third edition). McGraw-Hill, 1984.


AC Chiang and K Wainwright. Fundamental methods of mathematical economics (fourth edition). McGraw-Hill, 2005.


D Corbae, MB Stinchcombe, and J Zeman. An introduction to mathematical analysis for economic theory and econometrics. Princeton University Press, 2009.


J Coroneos. A Higher School Certificate Course in Mathematics: Year Eleven, Three Unit Course. Coroneos Publications, n.d.


J Coroneos. A Higher School Certificate Course in Mathematics: Years Eleven and Twelve, Revised Four Unit Course (for Mathematics Extension Two). Coroneos Publications, n.d.


RH Frank. Microeconomics and behavior (sixth edition). McGraw-Hill, 2006.


J Gans, S King, N Byford, and NG Mankiw. Principles of microeconomics (seventh Asia-Pacific edition). Cengage Learning Australia, 2018.


J Gans, S King, and NG Mankiw. Principles of microeconomics (fourth edition). Cengage Learning Australia, 2009.


H Gravelle and R Rees. Microeconomics. Longman Group, 1981.


H Gravelle and R Rees. Microeconomics (third edition). Pearson Education, 2004.


EF Haeussler Jr and RS Paul. Introductory mathematical analysis for business, economics, and the life and social sciences (fifth edition). Prentice-Hall, 1987.


PR Halmos. Naive set theory. D Van Nostrand Company, 1960.


DS Hamermesh. Economics is everywhere (second edition). McGraw-Hill-Irwin, 2006.


P Heyne. The economic way of thinking (sixth edition). Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.


P Heyne. A student’s guide to economics. Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) Books, 2000. Edited by JA Eglarz.


PL Heyne, PJ Boettke, and DL Prychitko. The economic way of thinking (thirteenth edition). Pearson Education, 2014. The Pearson New International Edition.


J Hirshleifer. Price theory and applications (fourth edition). Prentice-Hall, 1988. With the assistance of M Sproul.


J Hirshleifer, A Glazer, and D Hirshleifer. Price theory and applications: Decisions, markets, and information (seventh edition). Cambridge University Press, 2005.


M Kline. Calculus: An intuitive and physical approach (second edition). Dover Publications, 1967. The 1998 Dover republication of the original John Wiley and Sons second edition.


AN Kolmogorov and SV Fomin. Introductory real analysis. Dover Publications, 1970. Translated and Edited by RA Silverman, The 1975 Dover Edition (an unabridged, slightly corrected republication of the original 1970 Prentice-Hall edition).


DM Kreps. A course in microeconomics. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990.


T Kunimoto. Lecture notes on mathematics for economists. Unpublished, McGill University, 2010.


D Leonard and NV Long. Optimal control theory and static optimization in economics. Cambridge University Press, 1992.


E Malinvaud. Lectures on microeconomic theory. North Holland Publishing Company, 1972. Advanced Textbooks in Economics Volume 2; Translated by Mrs. A. Silvey.


NG Mankiw. Macroeconomics (fifth edition). Worth Publishers, 2003.


A Mas-Colell, MD Whinston, and JR Green. Microeconomic theory. Oxford University Press, 1995.


W Nicholson. Intermediate microeconomics and its applications (fourth edition). The Dryden Press, 1987.


W Nicholson. Microeconomic theory: Basic principles and extensions (seventh edition). The Dryden Press, 1998.


JM Perloff. Microeconomics with calculus (third edition) (global edition). Pearson Education Limited, 2014.


LC Robbins. An essay on the nature and significance of economic science (third edition). New York University Press, 1984. With a foreword by WJ Baumol. The first edition of this book was published in 1932.


A Rubinstein. Lecture notes in microeconomic theory: The economic agent. Princeton University Press, 2006.


J Shannon. Mathematics for business, economics and finance. John Wiley and Sons, 1995.


RA Silverman. Modern calculus and analytic geometry. Dover Publications, 1969. The 2002 Dover corrected republication of the original 1969 Macmillan Company edition.


C Simon and L Blume. Mathematics for economists. WW Norton and Co, 1994.


MR Spiegel. Schaum's outline of theory and problems of advanced calculus (SI metric edition). McGraw-Hill, 1981.


MR Spiegel. Theory and problems of vector analysis and an introduction to tensor analysis (SI (metric) edition). McGraw-Hill, 1981.


M Spivak. Calculus (third edition). Cambridge University Press, 2006.


RK Sundaram. A first course in optimization theory. Cambridge University Press, 1996.


K SydsÌter and P Hammond. Essential mathematics for economic analysis (second edition). Prentice-Hall, 2006.


K SydsÌter, P Hammond, A Seierstad, and A Strøm. Further mathematics for economic analysis. Prentice-Hall / Financial Times (Pearson), 2005.


K SydsÌter, P Hammond, A Strøm, and A Carvajal. Essential mathematics for economic analysis (fifth edition). Pearson Education, 2016.


A Takayama. Analytical methods in economics. The University of Michigan Press, 1993.


GB Thomas Jr and RL Finney. Calculus and analytic geometry (ninth edition). Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1996. The 1998 corrected reprint version.


HW Turnbull. Theory of equations (fifth edition). Oliver and Boyd, 1952. The 1963 reprint version.


HR Varian. Intermediate microeconomics: a modern approach. WW Norton and Company, 1987.


HR Varian. Microeconomic analysis (third edition). WW Norton and Sons, 1992.


RV Vohra. Advanced mathematical economics. Routledge, 2005.


RN Waud, P Maxwell, and J Bonnici. Macroeconomics (Australian edition). Harper and Row Publishers, 1989.